Our Teachers Are Heroes...Our Students Are SUPER HEROES!

Picture by Notre Dame Super Hero: Joshua Dowden

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Notre Dame Heroes #5

Heroes go above and beyond their required duties to make each day extraordinary for those around them. They have an ability to make memorable moments and leave a lasting impression on those around them.

Nancy Wiley has been an institution at the Notre Dame School of Dallas for over 35 years. She brings a caring, loving heart to work every day and is nearly impossible to replace. Her duties have included girl scouts, cheerleading, after school care, and countless other extra-curricular activities along with her ability to contribute to every class as a teacher’s assistant. Though Nancy works as my assistant, her desk is often filled with teachers seeking her advice or expertise and she always gives of herself. Much of her evening is spent giving her time to help our exceptional students reach their true potential. Despite her busy schedule, Nancy finds time to keep up with the latest technology to incorporate into our math lessons. She has become an expert at the IPad and has found new ways to assess student progress and increase students’ math skills. Her love for students abounds and her passion for education is made clear by her remarkable dedication. Nancy is a true blessing to the Notre Dame School, irreplaceable in every way, and very much a Notre Dame Hero.

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