Our Teachers Are Heroes...Our Students Are SUPER HEROES!

Picture by Notre Dame Super Hero: Joshua Dowden

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Notre Dame Heroes #11
Heroes are not afraid of their opinions. They are confident leaders who speak, not with arrogance, but from well earned experience.

Margarita Gonzales has been a leader in both the cafeteria and in the Notre Dame athletic department. Her vast knowledge of sports has lead her to coach and teach Notre Dame students not only in the rules of the game, but also in the lifelong skill of good sportsmanship. She has been a DJ, a teacher, a chef, a driver, a counselor. Margarita’s bright and fun-loving personality carries over to every aspect of her life. Her quips make meetings breeze by and her laughter fills the halls of Notre Dame. Though she is always ready with a good joke, Margarita is also very pious and a great role-model for the Catholic faith and a true Notre Dame Hero.

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