Our Teachers Are Heroes...Our Students Are SUPER HEROES!

Picture by Notre Dame Super Hero: Joshua Dowden

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Notre Dame Heroes #12
Heroes have giant hearts. They are givers and pleasers. With their every breath, they seek to create joy and happiness.

Kaylynn Eckler has devoted her life to creating lessons which not only teach, but take students on adventures they never forget. Her language arts classes are filled with enthusiasm. Her positive spirit guides students to not only learn new concepts, improve their spelling, and develop their reading skills, but also to grow as Christians. During her religion classes, Kaylynn presents the word of God in a way that is both accessible and exciting. She stresses the need for prayer and song through her popular praise Fridays. Kaylynn is on the constant watch for new ideas and activities to enhance her teaching and it is this dedication to the art of teaching that makes her a true Notre Dame Hero.

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